Letting the Dogs in

pet therapy dobson

Pat Dobson with Ribbon and Matheny School student Nicholas Barros.

“Is medicine going to the dogs?” That was the question posed recently in a blog by the staff at the Mayo Clinic. The answer: “Yes, but in a good way. Pet therapy is gaining fans in health care and beyond.”

Pet therapy is a big hit at The Matheny School. The students look forward to the regular visits of half a dozen pet therapy dogs including Ribbon, a golden retriever from Watchung, NJ. Ribbon’s owner, Pat Dobson, whose granddaughter, Kathryn Van Orden is a Matheny student, clearly enjoys the interaction between Ribbon and the students. On her most recent visit, the students used Ribbon as a model for their photography class.

Pet therapy is beneficial to both the physical and mental health of the Matheny students. It lifts their spirits, provides comfort, and encourages socialization. Owners of certified pet therapy dogs who would like to visit Matheny, should call (908) 234-0011, ext. 282, or email volunteers@matheny.org.