Matheny is a special hospital and school for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities and a comprehensive healthcare center meeting the needs of people with all types of disabilities in the community.

Matheny Hospital for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities is specialized in treating associated clinical conditions, such as vision and hearing deficits, seizure disorders, intellectual disabilities and dysphagia, with resulting aspiration problems.
The Matheny School serves students with a wide range of disabilities. Through our innovative team approach, combining academics, technology and related services, we provide our students with the opportunity to reach their highest potential.
Matheny reaches out to partners in the community through a very special program called Community Connections, helping public school districts better manage the challenges of educating their special needs students.
Arts Access empowers individuals with disabilities to create art without boundaries. Through the use of innovative systems and techniques, participants can take part in the visual, performing and literary arts.

What's Happening

Matheny School Graduation 2024

They did it! Please join us in congratulating our Matheny School 2024 graduates! Thank you to the families and loved Read More

Miles for Matheny 2024 – Photo Album

We’re still riding high from Miles for Matheny 2024! Our community put on their Matheny green and joined us for Read More

Matheny School Prom 2024

It’s been a busy few weeks at Matheny! Whether it’s prom, graduation, or Miles for Matheny, we always love sharing Read More