Department Contact Person & Email Extension
Main Phone Number: (908) 234-0011
Main E-Mail:
Center of Medicine and Dentistry 1785
President’s Office: William M. (Bill) Kent, MHA 1270
Chief Medical Officer, Patient Care & Safety: Vincent Barba, MD 1290
Admissions: Kathleen D’Urso 1237
Adult Services & Group Homes: Sean Bielefeldt 1212
Arts Access Program: Eileen Murray 1442
Community Connections & Therapies: Cynthia LaBar 1226
Corporate Compliance: Geeta Acharya 1257
Development: Aimee Hunnewell 1275
Facilities James Campoli 1210
Finance: Michael Hewson 1851
Health Information Management: Linda Westenberger 1769
Human Resources: Nancy Petrillo 1291
Information Systems: Ron Daniel 1244
Marketing, PR & Gov. Affairs: Iveth Mosquera 1273
Nursing Services: Denise Micheletti-King 1269
School: Sean Murphy 1721
Seating & Mobility Services: Sue Baumann 1258
Social & Psychological Services: Dan Balboni, Psy.D. 1762
Volunteer Services: Gail Cunningham 1282
Wheelchair Clinic: John Reck 1764


What's Happening

Celebrating 14 Years of Artistic Collaboration

Symbiosis is a mutually beneficial relationship between different groups or individuals. It’s a special type of bond that helps...

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How Matheny School students with disabilities are transitioning to adulthood

Thank you to Cheryl Makin for this wonderful recent piece discussing our Matheny School PCAST (Person-Centered Approaches in Schools...

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Matheny School Graduation 2024

They did it! Please join us in congratulating our Matheny School 2024 graduates! Thank you to the families and...

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