Posted on July 31, 2013 by Matheny
Marilyn Lukach, left, and library assistant Darlene Darling admire “Butterfly” by Tammy Heppner.
Marilyn Lukach, a resident of Wharton, NJ, is past president of the Wharton Public Library. She and her husband, Robert, have attended Full Circle, the annual celebration of Matheny’s Arts Access Program, several times, and she wanted to share some of the visual art with her fellow residents.
As a result, “Unexpected Art,” the creative works of 11 Arts Access artists, can be viewed at the Wharton Public Library in July and August during library hours. The mission of the Arts Access Program is to provide individuals with disabilities the freedom to create in the visual, literary and performing arts.
Posted on September 6, 2012 by Matheny
At Full Circle 2011, actress Alexandra Hellquist read “My Pakistani Princess,” written by Mike Cornely, right.
You would never expect to see a painting by someone who cannot hold a brush, hear a poem written by someone who has never spoken a word or see a dance choreographed by a person who has never walked. Yet, that is precisely what occurs at Matheny’s Arts Access Program, where the unexpected happens every day.
The artists with disabilities at Arts Access use unique methods employed by the Arts Access Program to overcome their disabilities and express themselves in multiple artistic disciplines. Full Circle 2012: Unexpected Art, being held from 3 p.m.-6 p.m., Saturday, November 3, in the Robert Schonhorn Arts Center at Matheny, will celebrate the unlimited artistic abilities of these unexpected artists.
To order tickets, call (908) 234-0011, ext. 260, or email