Scott Gordon is a 14-year-old student at The Matheny School. According to his mother Julie, Scott is “a caring, sensitive young teenager who is thriving at Matheny, thanks to the wonderful people who fill its halls.” Julie Gordon made those remarks at The Matheny School’s Open House, held May 21. Speaking to representatives from public school districts and other parents, she pointed out that Scott had been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and a developmental delay when he was about one year old.
“If I could sum up the Matheny experience in one phrase,” she said, “it would be ‘no limits.’ Simply put, the educators, therapists and caregivers at Matheny view my son, and all the students there, as capable children, with no predetermined limits on their achievements. There is no ‘one size fits all’ learning approach at Matheny. The educators know Scott and figure out what will work for him. The therapists push him to achieve all he can. Scott is experiencing life to the fullest. I do not have the words to express the gratitude I feel to all those who work with our son.”