School Services
Our interdisciplinary approach is vital to the core of everything we do at The Matheny School. Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech-Language Therapy are integrated into the academic program and occur within the classroom. Students at Matheny School receive the additional support of our School Nurses,
Psychologists and Social Workers.
Our Health Services team is led by a full-time, New Jersey certified school nurse and school physician. A team of pediatric nurses support the students’ safe and full participation in their school program by administering medications, tube feedings, and other medically necessary treatments. The Matheny School is affiliated (and physically connected to) the larger Matheny Hospital, which specializes in the care of complex developmental disabilities. This leaves the School well-equipped for any medical emergencies.

Speech therapy focuses on development of expressive and receptive language skills, functional communication, and oral motor skills. Individualized total communication strategies, including augmentative and alternative communication systems, are utilized to address each student’s unique communication needs. Oral-motor and swallowing disorders are addressed to promote skill development and social aspects of mealtimes. Services are provided in individual and group settings in collaboration with the school team, families and caregivers. Our speech-language therapy team is certified and licensed by the NJ Department of Education and the American Speech Language
Hearing Association.

Occupational Therapy (OT) enhances student independence and academic success by developing fine and gross motor skills, visual perception, and multisensory integration. The experienced OT team, trained in pediatric therapy and specialized techniques, are familiar with the challenges faced by children with disabilities. They uniquely employ play, functional tasks, and a range of adaptive equipment for optimal student growth. All therapists are licensed by the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Advisory Council and certified by the New Jersey Department of Education.

As part of our educational program, Physical Therapy (PT) enhances students’ functional mobility, coordination, endurance, balance, and use of adaptive equipment. PT sessions focus on individual goals to facilitate least restrictive access to their academic environment. All therapists are licensed and certified by the New Jersey Department of Education.

We believe in the power of self-advocacy and independence by giving all students the skills needed to transition from high school to adulthood. For some students, transition activities may be as basic as the acquisition of daily living skills. For others, activities may include opportunities to develop good work habits and build up physical stamina and concentration capabilities. Students can also learn specific job skills, which they will have opportunities to practice in authentic work settings both on and off campus. The Matheny School transition teachers are New Jersey certified special education teachers. The ultimate goal is to help all students achieve their maximum level of independence, productivity, and fulfillment.

The Matheny School Social Worker assists students by identifying and addressing any social, emotional, and environmental issues that are interfering with their learning. Students and their families/guardians are supported by the School Social Worker in making the adjustment to private school and interfacing with other community agencies that may be assisting the child. Our School Social Worker can also help to identify and facilitate access to local, state, and national resources related to summer camps, home supports, health care, housing, guardianship, and transition to adult programs, as well as inter-family networking and advocacy

Our Behavioral Team interprets non-verbal behaviors to understand and address students’ needs. Collaborating with the entire educational team, they use evidence-based strategies and classroom management techniques to support learning and adjustment. The program focuses on positive reinforcement and environmental adaptations to encourage desired behaviors and foster individuality.